Ladies Cup 2nd edition

You can find all the information about the 2nd edition of the Ladies Cup on our social network. @brasilladiescup


BRASIL LADIES CUP SECOND EDITION OPENING PACAEMBU Araraquara will be the main venue for the second edition of the Brasil Ladies Cup, a women's soccer competition organized by the International Federation of Football Soccer Society (FIFOS) and the São Paulo Football Federation (FPF), with the support of the City Hall. The tournament will take place from November 7 to 15 and [...]


OPENING OF THE BRASIL LADIES CUP 2 Edition - Disclosure At an event at the Football Museum, Brasil Ladies Cup announces a detailed schedule for the competition The second edition has eight teams and starts on 07/11 Next month, the cities of Araraquara and Jaú will host the second edition of the Brasil Ladies Cup. Between November 7th and [...]


Brasil Ladies Cup arrives on the market to consolidate itself as the week of women's soccer in the country ? Organized by FIFOS, the project aims to contribute to the development of the sport in Brazil ? The first edition takes place between December 12 and 19 ? Lectures, social activities and a tournament with the participation of [...]


Brasil Ladies Cup arrives to consolidate itself as the week of women's soccer in the country FIFOS, the International Federation of Football Soccer Society, announces the launch of the Brasil Ladies Cup, which will take place between December 12 and 19 in the city of São Paulo. For one week, women's soccer will be the main topic of [...]

Calendar 2020

OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR 01 NEW INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY 7 FOOTBALL RULES BOOK - 2021 Preparation - 26/03 Recycling by video conferenceBRASIL São Paulo - SP26 and 27/04/2021PRINCIPAL MALE 02 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY 7-a-side FOOTBALL CHALLENGE Brazil vs. ArgentinaBRASIL Porto Velho - RO02 and 03/10/2021MALE 03 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY LIBERTADORES COPA 7 Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and ParaguayBRASIL Rio Grande [...]

New Rules

in April Fifos unveiled the new International 7-a-side Football Rule Book 2021 online.

New vice president

International federation elects new vice president, sports director Mr. Lauro Henrique Andrade

Call notice

CALL NOTICE Dear Sirs, We hereby summon our Members to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of FIFOS - International Federation of Football Soccer Society to be held on June 8, 2021 at 09:00 a.m. on first call or 09:30 a.m. on second call, at Av. Prestes Maia 241, sala 814 - 8 andar - Centro [...]
